Tough Dog Names – Big Dogs

Top 21+ Best Tough Dog Names – Big Dogs

Are you looking for the perfect name for your new puppy or dog? Here you will find Tough Dog Names – Big Dogs

  1.  BEAR: sometimes puppies resemble cute little bear cubs. Others may want to depict the ferociousness of the bear.
  3. BRUNO
  4. DUKE
  5. BRUNO
  6. BRUTUS: Latin Origin with origins with the word Brute. Mostly used with the “brute” aspect in mind, the true meaning of Brutus is slow-witted, and dull in the head.
  7. CAESAR: Long-haired, a friend of many.
  8. FANG
  10. KILLER:- No meaning to take seriously. This name was popular with Rottweilers even though they usually tend to be mellow dogs. This name is ideal as a funny name for say, a poodle?
  11. KING: Top dog, tough dog. I met 1 King and he looked intimidating but was actually a big sweetheart but between the name and his black fur and size, he gave the image of a dog to be reckoned with.
  12. KODAK
  13. KONG: As in King Kong
  14. RAMBO: From the classic soldier movie
  16. SAMSON
  17. SCARFACE: Al Pacino’s most violent of movies.
  18. SCRAPS: From the Charlie Chaplin movie “A Dog’s Life”
  19. SPIKE: English Origin. Meaning – Ear of Grain. Its literal meaning is a long and heavy nail but the Americanized flavor of “Spike” brings visions of spiked collars and for some, conjures up visions of “Spike” the Billy Idol look-alike vampire from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
  21. TAZMANIAN DEVIL: Taz for short – Yes, a Looney Tunes reference – maybe not scary but you are only going to name a larger rammy dog this name.
  22. THOR: I think we’re all picturing the super Viking, super-sized hammer-wielding Norse figure. Yes, Thor, god of thunder.

Some Other Dog Names