Tokoloshe Name Generator
To generate a Tokoloshe name, please select the gender and type of name you prefer, and then click the "Generate" button.
Tokoloshe Name Generator: Find Your Perfect African Goblin Name
Find your perfect African goblin name with our easy-to-use tokoloshe name generator. Choose from hundreds of mysterious and menacing names, or enter your own name and birth month to get a personalized tokoloshe name. Our tokoloshe name generator is the perfect way to find a name for your next character, whether you're writing a South African folklore story or playing a role-playing game. With hundreds of unique and creative names to choose from, you're sure to find the perfect name for your tokoloshe.
Fantasy Name Generator
Fantasy Name Generators generates all types of names in all languages and several categories. You can use these names for your own identity and other purposes.